Million Dollar Listing New York is a reality show focusing on the real estate industry and following a team of relentless realtors. Luis D Ortiz debuted in the second season of Million Dollar Listing but later left the show, so what happened to him?

Who Was Luis from Million Dollar Listing

Luis joined the cast of Million Dollar Listing New York in 2013 during the show’s second season. His animated personality and positive energy quickly made the Puerto Rican agent popular with both his peers and audiences. Interestingly, Ortiz was fired from his position as a Vice President of Keller Williams NYC during the filming of the show. Undaunted, Luis joined New York’s largest residential brokerage firm, Douglas Eliman, which also employed his co-star, Fredrik Eklund. Under his new brokerage, Luis started his own real estate group, Ortiz & Co.

Things appeared to be going well for Luis, as he remained on Million Dollar Listing until Season 5. However, during the season finale, he announced that he was getting out of real estate — and leaving the show. Realtor Steve Gold took his place, but by this time Luis had made an impact on viewers, and his presence was sorely missed.

Three years later, Luis returned to Million Dollar Listing for Season 8 in 2019. Although fans were excited, his return was short-lived. Luis once again departed at the conclusion of the season and has not been seen on the show since.

Where is Luis After Million Dollar Listing?

After leaving Million Dollar Listing for the final time, Luis relocated to his native Puerto Rico with his girlfriend Nikita and daughter Leela. However, things soured in the couple’s relationship, and Nikita and Leela moved to the U.K.

After his split from Nikita, Luis once again returned to the world of reality television. This venture, however, was quite different from his time on Million Dollar Listing. Netflix’s The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals featured Luis alongside Jo Franco and Megan Batoon as they explored luxury vacation properties. The show aired for two seasons, both of which aired in 2021.

Luis has not been back on television since his appearance on the short-lived Netflix series. However, he is now active on, where he offers personal advice in one-on-one video consultations at prices that begin at $300.

Million Dollar Listing New York Seasons 1-9 are currently streaming on various platforms.

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